Competition for investor attention is fierce. If a company fails to showcase its shareholder value, it risks difficulties in raising new capital, and patience among shareholders can wear thin. To generate interest, trust, and a willingness to invest, active and clear communication is essential. At the same time, there is an increasing demand for communication to be accurate, relevant, and easily understood.
Paues Åberg provides strategic advice on how to interact with shareholders and other capital markets stakeholders. The starting point is a clear and engaging equity story aimed at creating understanding and trust. It also serves as a platform for other strategic communication. We view sustainability as an integral part of the equity story, which should also be reflected in financial reporting. Investors and other stakeholders want to understand how the company impacts society in general and how it works to establish a more sustainable business.
At the same time, we support you in implementing your communication strategy and in creating active, carefully planned, and clear investor communication. We will accompany you every step of the way. An essential part of this is the development of key milestone reports, including, annual reports, sustainability reports, and interim reports.
Financial communication
Contact – Financial Communication
Jonas Rodny
076-190 90 51
Hélène Westholm
+46 733 50 32 62
Linna Österman
+46 70-549 56 49